355 Days

Wife, mechanic, gardener, animal lover, artists, cook and student of life. I like to talk about all of it.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

5 of 355

What an amazing week! On Monday I taught skatenance and had great time. That evening I did the scariest thing I've ever done! I went down a ramp at a skate park. Seriously it was harder than jumping out of an airplane.  Probably because when I went out of the plane I was 23 and had no fear.  I'm a little more suspicious of these sorts of things now.  I went down three ramps and totally stacked it each time. But as they say at the Oscar's it was an honour just to be able to show up.  I did get to skate forward and backward on a half pipe and that was fun.  I am really noticing how much my centre of balance is off.  The best part of the day was getting to spend time with the girls from my league. We started this league in February and in April I broke my leg.  The league grew up without me.  Even though  I was included in the decisions I wasn't there to form relationships so I am playing catch up.

On Tuesday I met up with a couple of the girls at the roller rink for a bit of fun.  It turned out to be a 38/96 degree day so we were really working hard.  That day was about just getting  a bunch of laps under my belt.  I discovered that it is very hard for me to skate on just my left leg and (this part not for the squeamish) I can feel the pins that are in my leg.  That is I feel the heads of the bolts rubbing on the inside of my skin.  It's unsettling. But I did skate for a good hour and a half without any major pain and didn't swell up much that night.  I am super muscle sore all over and my butt didn't take those drops at the skate park well but all in all a successful start back to skating.  Today I went to the doctor and got medical clearance to train with my league.  Training starts tomorrow.  BRING IT!

A few months ago we had the amazing Bonnie D. Stroir come out and train us. I was still off skates but really took a lot from our discussions.  She said you have to visualise what you want. Not just wish for it but see yourself doing it.  Understand how it feels while you are doing it smell it, touch it, taste it.  I went home and photoshopped a picture of me skating against SRDL.  I know how it will feel when I make the travel team and feel the floor of the Sports Centre under my wheels.  2012 is my year.  It has to be since I am treating it like the last one right?

Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aide!

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